make the world green again

We can help you do it!

Ecolife Green is determined to do its part to protect the environment and to provide sustainable products, systems and solutions to the society through its customers.


how we do it!


Time to clear the waste


A Innovative Incinerator, neither operates on fuel nor does it generate harmful ash and emissions. Can handle moisture content ratio up to 80%.

Natural Water Rejuvenation


Lakes and Ponds cleaning and Restoration by Bio-Remediation.
Stagnated and Sewage Water Cleaning & Restoration by Bio-Remediation

Let's help them grow

Foliar Super Spray

Nano Nutrients boosts Photosynthesis in Agriculture.

How it is done?

Video article about ClearWaste

Article and Blogs about green earth

A brief about waste management and lake cleaning.

Waste management and lake cleaning are both important aspects of environmental protection. Proper waste management practices help to prevent pollution and maintain a healthy environment, while lake cleaning is necessary to restore and maintain the quality of aquatic ecosystems.

Waste management involves the collection, transportation, processing, and disposal of various types of waste materials. This includes household waste, industrial waste, and hazardous waste. Effective waste management practices aim to reduce the amount of waste generated, maximize recycling and reuse, and safely dispose of waste that cannot be recycled or reused.

Lake cleaning involves the removal of pollutants, debris, and other unwanted materials from lakes and other bodies of water. This can include the removal of trash, sediment, and excess nutrients, such as phosphorus and nitrogen, which can contribute to harmful algal blooms and oxygen depletion in the water.

Effective waste management practices are crucial to prevent pollution from entering lakes and other bodies of water. For example, litter and other debris can wash into lakes from stormwater runoff or from the wind. This can cause harm to aquatic life and negatively impact the quality of the water.

In addition to waste management, lake cleaning efforts may involve the use of dredging equipment to remove sediment and other materials from the lake bed, as well as the installation of filtration systems and other water treatment technologies to help maintain water quality.

Overall, waste management and lake cleaning are both important components of environmental protection, and effective management of waste can help to prevent pollution and reduce the need for lake cleaning efforts.